Beep Beep, solo exhibition at The Pumphouse, Dublin Port, 2024
Curated by Temple Bar Gallery and Studios as part of a two off-site exhibition Longest Way Round, Shortest Way Home
Supported by The Arts Council of Ireland Project Award. Photos Ros Kavanagh
Excerpt from the Press Release:
’Two embellished shipping containers hold precious cargo: a 1962 Renault 4 (R4) car reanimated by the artist from her late father’s dusty shed in her hometown in the Rhône-Alpes region of France. For many years, the car sat idle among a jumbled assortment of other objects that were initially discarded: bikes, lamps, ashtrays, tools, machine parts, camera equipment, piles of scrap metal, ladders, and countless other everyday artefacts amassed by Puthod’s father with the optimism that they may have a second chance at a life of use.
The R4 (or as it is affectionately known throughout France, “La Quatrelle”) has been a popular economy car with families, farmers and city dwellers in France, and globally, for over 60 years. The introduction of its charming functional design coincided with a strengthening French economy and the growth of national ‘autoroutes’, interconnecting parts of the country as well as with Europe.
Puthod’s Beep Beep excavates personal family narratives relating to the iconic R4 and its connection to social history in both French and Irish rural and industrial landscapes.’ (…) more here
Artist Talk with TBG+Studios Programme Curator Michael Hill
Boat Tour with Writer and Heritage Researcher Barry Kehoe
BodyWork (I) - a day of event including:
> Renault 4 Gathering + talk by R4 enthusiast Richard Watchorn
> Talk by Dr. Jess Beck, Bioarchaeologist and Osteologist
> Body Massages by Zest at Work
Refreshments by Sheridans Cheesemongers
Closing Event CKD* Completely Knocked Down with Metaxu+ special guests Jenn, Thom Dehli, Asa Nisi Masa and Ingrid Lyons